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mia - Reading讀繪本 | 2023-05-11 | 點閱數: 75

Hush! A Thai Lullaby

作者Author:Minfong Ho

繪者Picture by:Holly Meade



封面上大大的標題 HUSH! 噓~,是誰在讓大家小聲一點呢?




媽媽忙著找出周遭的聲響,讓它們 Hush 噓~ 小聲一點,別吵醒了寶寶。

動詞  、 介係詞  、 地點名詞 、 動物名詞

weeping in the wind - "Wee-wee" - mosquito 蚊子

weep 哭泣

wind 風

peeping from the ceiling - "TUK-GHAA" - lizard 蜥蜴

peep 偷看

ceiling 屋頂

creeping under the house - "MEOW" - cat 貓咪

creep 悄悄移動

house 房子

squeaking by the rice barn - "Jeed-jeed" - mouse 老鼠

squeak 吱吱叫

rice barn 米倉

leaping by the well - "OP-OP" - frog 青蛙

leap 跳躍

well 水井

sniffling in the sty - "UUT-UUT" - pig 豬

sniffling 吸鼻子

sty 豬圈

beeping by the pond - "Gbap-Gbap" - duck 鴨子

beep 嘟嘟聲;滴滴聲

pond 池塘

swinging from the trees - "Jiak-jiak" - loose-limbed monkey 猴子

swing 搖盪

trees 樹

sweeping at the hay - "MAAAU" - buffalo 水牛

sweep 尾巴掃

hay 乾草

shrieking through the forest - "HOOM-PRAAA" - elephant 大象

shriek 尖叫

forest 森林



Read aloud 朗讀連結




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